
Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Monitoring and Technical Support


Insurance company


Finance services


1000+ employees


Optimization of business applications in the multi-service environment with the help of automated performance monitoring, in-depth analytics and IT infrastructure modernization.


A full-scale solution backed by AppDynamics allows for real-time, comprehensive monitoring of application performance and IT infrastructure, and leveraging analytics to identify and timely tackle various business critical issues, namely:
Dynamically baseline the number and speed of transactions at each stage of their execution.
Automatically detect business transactions and take snapshots of ones with abnormal (divergent from the baseline) behaviour.
Raise an alert when a transaction is interrupted between stages.
Perform in-depth diagnostics down to the code/SQL level to identify the root cause in Web, Java, etc.
Identify and quantify scalability and degradation.
Reveal the root cause of “bugs” and “lags” in the application prior to its release.
Analyze data from various sources (applications, databases, customer experience), and automatically establish relations between them.
End-to-end visualization of applications architecture, and the relationships with dependencies on the services in real-time and in a historical perspective.
End-to-end visualisation of the application architecture and the relations with service dependencies in real time and in the historical perspective.


In-depth monitoring of services and business transactions along with online analytics. Data visualization of all apps’ KPIs. Creating a single source of truth (SSOT). Integration of APM/EUM modules for proactive protection against anomalies and user errors.

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